Tricopigmentation is an aesthetic procedure that involves the introduction of a specific pigment into the superficial dermis (scalp). This type of treatment responds to the need to artificially recreate the presence of hair in a very realistic way.
Tricopigmentation introduces special reversible pigments and therefore is a different method from that of performing a tattoo: the pigments are introduced into the superficial dermis immediately under the dermal-epidermal membrane, unlike the classic tattoo which deposits them deeper. In addition, the innovative instrumentation that is used is specifically designed to intervene on the scalp.
The shaved effect, typical of tricopigmentation is obtained through a microscopic, punctiform and controlled deposit of a specific “ash” color pigment. Special instruments, machinery and a specific needle for the scalp are used.
The tricopigmentation needle, the “taper”, has a peculiar structure: it is characterized by a smooth surface that creates a micro-hole in the skin, while the structure of the needle has a rough wall that holds the pigment and does not let it slip. In this way, thanks to the constant movement of the needle in the dermis, it is possible to always release the same amount of pigment, obtaining identical deposits.
To prevent the pigment from expanding under the skin, the deposit takes place at a depth of 0.5 mm, under the dermal-epidermal membrane. The technique is not painful and therefore no anaesthesia is required and allows you to return to your activities as soon as the treatment is finished. The session has a maximum duration of 2 hours.